Youtube is thinking of closing certain accounts that do not make enough money

The site’s new terms suggests that unpopular accounts or those that are otherwise not “commercially viable” could be removed from the platform, along with their videos.

The change has led to fears among users that accounts could be removed from the platform. While some have suggested that the change could allow for the removal of extremist or otherwise dangerous videos, the wording is such that it could apply to almost any user on the platform.

“YouTube may terminate your access, or your google account’s access to all or part of the Service if YouTube believes, in its sole discretion, that provision of the Service to you is no longer commercially viable,” the new terms of use read.

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2 thoughts on “Youtube is thinking of closing certain accounts that do not make enough money

  1. Thats how youtube stay they sometimes change and then go back to the old,but still take precaution and upload your videos to another video sharing platform,just in case they delete all your work and you can’t get it back.


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